Cherokee Regional Library PINES Catalog

Time With Teacher

Free Tutoring Now Available

Schedule a 1-hour tutoring session within one of our four branches in the Cherokee Regional Library Systems. Just go through the options below: selecting location, meeting date & time and entering some basic contact information for our tutors to stay in touch!

Tutors have access to a broad collection of tutoring resources. Check out the browsable list here, and request checkout at the circulation desk.

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Library Resources Available 24/7

Digital Books and Resources available at the touch of your fingertips

You don't have to wait to come into the library to start reading books and accessing information. Register for your library card now to access all our amazing digital resources.  Make sure to check out our Digital Services Page for the full listing of our digital resources to include free legal forms, SAT/ACT test prep, Language acquisition and more...

eBooks, audiobooks & magazines; on your computer or smart device

Over 20,000 titles for children grade K-4th in ebook & audiobook format